
The wisdom of youth

Could newborn neurons reverse Alzheimer’s?

  • reverse 颠倒;彻底转变;使完全相反

Some scientists think so. Others doubt the cells even exist

ONE OF THE first signs of Alzheimer’s disease is confusion. Most people can park their car in a different space every morning and find it again in the evening. Those with Alzheimer’s find this type of problem much harder. Memories of things they do often, like eating or taking medication, become tangled in their minds.

  • tangle 使缠结;纠结;乱作一团

The ability to distinguish between similar memories depends on a tiny strip of brain tissue called the dentate gyrus. Studies in mice have shown that the dentate gyrus is one of the few bits of the brain to generate new neurons even in adulthood. Those new neurons are thought to help keep similar memories distinct.

  • dentate gyrus 齿状回(齿状回系海马结构的一部分。是一窄条灰质,其内侧缘有横沟分隔成锯齿状。此回位于海马伞与海马回之间,其后端与海马伞分离移行于束状回,其前端到海马回沟的凹口处,呈锐角弯向内,横过海马回沟的下面,称此横带为齿状回尾,此横带把海马回沟分为前后两部:前部叫沟回,后部叫内边缘回)