

For Gen-Z job-seekers, TikTok is the new LinkedIn

Companies had better start scrolling

YOUNG JOB-SEEKERS are different from their elders. They expect employers to be cuddlier, more forgiving and more generous with perks and pay cheques. The way they go about hunting for work is also distinct. Rather than relying on family and friends, a growing number of Americans are turning to TikTok in search of advice that will help them climb those all-important first steps up the career ladder.

  • cuddly 令人想拥抱的;(儿童玩具)柔软而令人想搂抱的

Scrolling through their feeds on the short-video app they might come across a creator called Lauren Spearman. Ms Spearman uploads videos about “red-flag job postings” and “unreasonable job applications”. Or they might find Kennie Bukky, who shares her “salary journey” and hot tips for pay negotiations. If they scroll down further, sooner or later they are likely to happen upon Brittany Peatsch. She went viral after posting a video account of her own experience being laid off from Cloudflare, a software company, and now creates videos offering advice to others suffering through similar ordeals.
当他们在TikTok上浏览推送内容时,可能会刷到一位名叫劳伦·斯皮尔曼(Lauren Spearman)的创作者。她上传的视频向大家警示“有问题的招聘启事”和“不切实际的求职”。他们还可能刷到肯尼·巴基(Kennie Bukky),她分享了自己的“涨薪历程”和薪资谈判的秘诀。如果他们继续刷下去,迟早还会看到布列塔尼·皮特施(Brittany Peatsch)。她发布的一段视频讲述了自己被软件公司Cloudflare裁员的经历,在网上走红,目前她的视频为其他有类似艰辛遭遇的人提供建议。

  • go viral 像病毒一样传播开来