

Tesla faces an identity crisis: carmaker or tech firm?

Elon Musk’s fiendish conundrum

  • fiendish 极其困难的
  • conundrum 令人迷惑的难题;复杂难解的问题(参见:小词详解 | conundrum

ON THE NIGHT before Elon Musk unveiled Tesla’s first-quarter results on April 23rd, your columnist brought his car to a halt, noticing a futuristic vehicle hooked up to a Tesla charging station in Los Angeles. It was a dark-purple Cybertruck. Twinkling lights glittered behind the tinted windows. It looked so wedgelike, angular and otherworldly that it could have moonlighted as an armoured personnel carrier in “Civil War”, a new apocalyptic film.
在伊隆·马斯克于4月23日揭晓特斯拉一季度业绩的前一晚,本专栏作者在洛杉矶某处停车,注意到一个特斯拉充电桩上连着一辆未来感十足的汽车。那是一辆深紫色的Cybertruck。闪烁的灯光透过深色玻璃窗映射出来。楔形车身棱角分明,超凡脱俗,简直可以在新末日电影《内战》(Civil War)中充当装甲运兵车。

Its owner, Dennis Wang, is a Tesla devotee. Besides his four-month-old Cybertruck, he has owned Mr Musk’s original (“sexy”) quartet: the Models S, 3, X and Y. He has held shares in the company since 2018. He has full faith in Mr Musk. Despite a 40% plunge in Tesla’s share price this year in the run-up to the earnings report, as well as the announcement in recent weeks of falling vehicle sales and unprecedented lay-offs, he believes the billionaire remains the best person to run the company. Even an embarrassing Cybertruck recall, caused by a stuck accelerator, was quickly fixed, he says, pointing to a new bolt in the pedal.
车主丹尼斯·王(音译)是特斯拉的“死忠粉”。除了这辆刚买了四个月的Cybertruck,他还买过马斯克原先的全部“性感”四件套:Model S、Model 3、Model X和Model Y。他自2018年起就持有该公司的股票。他对马斯克信心满满。尽管今年特斯拉的股价在临近财报发布时暴跌40%,近几周还宣布汽车销量下滑,并进行了前所未有的裁员,但他认为这位亿万富翁仍是掌舵特斯拉的不二人选。即使Cybertruck由于油门踏板会卡住而被尴尬地召回,他也指着踏板上的新螺栓说问题很快得到了解决。

  • devotee (狂热的)崇拜者,爱好者;虔诚的宗教信徒
  • plunge (价格、温度等)暴跌;骤降;突降
  • lay-off (因工作不多的)解雇,裁员