
The rise of a new economic power

How strong is India’s economy?

It isn’t the next China, but it could still transform itself and the world

IN SIX WEEKS’ time Narendra Modi is expected to win a third term as India’s prime minister, cementing his status as its most important leader since Nehru. The electoral success of this tea-seller’s son reflects his political skill, the potency of his Hindu-nationalist ideology and his erosion of democratic institutions. But it also reflects a sense among ordinary voters and elites that he is bringing India prosperity and power.

  • cement 加强,巩固(关系等)
  • erode 喻指“逐渐破坏、削弱、损害”(参见:小词详解 | erode

Mr Modi’s India is an experiment in how to get richer amid deglobalisation and under strongman leadership. Whether it can grow fast and avoid unrest over the next 10-20 years will shape the fate of 1.4bn people and the world economy. As our special report explains, Mr Modi’s formula is working—up to a point. But there are questions over whether India’s success can last and whether it depends on him remaining in power.

  • unrest 动荡;动乱;骚动
  • formula 方案;方法