
Poor prescription

America’s moves against Chinese biotech will hurt patients at home

The motives behind the BIOSECURE act are muddy

  • muddy 含泥的;浑浊的

AMERICA’S CRACKDOWN on Chinese trade is broadening. On the campaign trail on April 17th President Joe Biden proposed tripling tariffs on steel imports, citing China’s unfair trade practices. Having choked off China’s access to advanced semiconductors and moved to ban TikTok, a Chinese-owned social-media app, lawmakers are eyeing a new target: biotechnology. The BIOSECURE act, which has bipartisan support in Congress, proposes to end government contracts for firms that count Chinese biotech companies as clients or suppliers. American officials have previously said they want to guard a “small yard” of sensitive technologies with a “high fence”. This bill illustrates that the yard is getting bigger, with sorry consequences for American consumers.
美国对中国贸易的打压正在扩大。在4月17日的竞选活动中,美国总统拜登提出将钢的进口关税提高两倍,理由是中国存在不公平的贸易行为。在阻断了中国获得先进半导体的渠道,并寻求封禁中资社交媒体应用TikTok之后,议员们正在瞄准一个新目标:生物技术。《生物安全法案》(BIOSECURE Act)得到了国会两党的支持,它提议终止那些客户或供应商包含中国生物技术公司的美国企业的政府合同。美国官员此前曾表示,他们希望用“高墙”保护敏感技术的“小院”。这项法案表明,这个院子正越筑越大,将给美国消费者带来糟糕的后果。

It uses the threat of ending lucrative federal contracts to sever American firms’ ties with Chinese genomic sequencers, makers of sequencing machines and makers of large-molecule drugs such as weight-loss injectables. It extends the ban to any biotech firm with its headquarters in an adversary country, and mentions four Chinese companies by name.

  • lucrative 表示“赚大钱的、获利多的”(参见:小词详解 | lucrative
  • sever 断绝;中断
  • sequencer 音序器;编曲机
  • adversary 作形容词表示“对立的、敌对的”,同 adversarial ,尤指在政治或法律制度上对立的或敌对的(参见:小词详解 | adversary