
OK Zoomer

Reasons to be cheerful about Generation Z

They are not doomed to be poor and anxious

  • doom 表示“使……注定失败、遭殃、死亡等”(参见:小词详解 | doom

A VAST COHORT is coming of age. Globally, some 2bn people were born between 1997 and 2012, and so are part of “Generation Z”. In America and Britain this group makes up a fifth of the population, rivalling the share of baby-boomers; in India and Nigeria the young far outnumber the old. For each generation there is a simple narrative: that boomers were shaped by post-war plenty, for example, or millennials by the financial crisis of 2007-09. For Gen Z the popular view is that smartphones have made them miserable and they will live grimmer lives than their elders.

  • cohort (有共同特点或举止类同的)一群人,一批人
  • miserable 痛苦的;非常难受的;可怜的

More and more people in the West tell pollsters that today’s children will be worse off than their parents. Youngsters themselves worry about everything from the difficulty of buying a home to the looming dangers from climate change. Social scientists fret that Gen Z-ers, having spent their formative years doomscrolling and suffering from FOMO, are now gripped by an epidemic of anxiety and depression. Politicians in America and Britain are mulling banning smartphones and restricting social media for the under-16s; parents and schoolteachers everywhere are trying to police screen time.

  • pollster 民意测验主办人;民意调查员
  • loom 主要表示“赫然耸现、隐约显现”或“战争、危机等危险性事物阴森地逼近”(参见:小词详解 | loom
  • fret 后来也从摩擦、磨损的概念引申出来指“(使)苦恼、(使)烦躁、(使)发愁”(参见:小词详解 | fret
  • formative (对某事物或性格的发展)有持续重大影响的
  • mull 认真琢磨,反复思考(计划、建议等)(参见:小词详解 | mull
  • police 监督;管制