

What China’s central bank and Costco shoppers have in common

Hint: it is not a fondness for cryptocurrencies

GOLD HAS always held an allure. The earliest civilisations used it for jewellery; the first forms of money were forged from it. For centuries kings clamoured to get their hands on the stuff. Charlemagne conquered much of Europe after plundering vast amounts of gold from the Avars. When King Ferdinand of Spain sent explorers to the new world in 1511, he told them to “get gold, humanely if you can, but all hazards, get gold.” Ordinary men also clamoured for it after James Marshall, a labourer, found a flake of gold while constructing a saw mill in Sacramento, California, in 1848.
黄金一直都充满诱惑力。最早的文明用它来制作珠宝;最初的货币就由它锻造而成。几个世纪以来,国王们吵吵嚷嚷要得到它。查理曼大帝从阿瓦尔人手中掠夺了大量黄金之后,征服了欧洲大部分地区。1511年,西班牙国王费迪南德派遣探险家前往新大陆,他要他们“拿到黄金,巧取或豪夺,拿到黄金。”1848年,在加利福尼亚的萨克拉门托,工人詹姆斯·马歇尔(James Marshall)在盖一座锯木厂时发现了一片金片,这下贩夫走卒也开始吵嚷着要淘金了。

  • allure 诱惑力;引诱力;吸引力
  • forge 表示“锻造、制作”,即加热金属材料后使用锤子和砧对其进行敲打加工或锻造成形(参见:小词详解 | forge
  • clamour 喻指“大声疾呼”,即人们大声喧嚷着提出强烈的要求、责难、抗议等(参见:小词详解 | clamor
  • plunder (尤指战乱时用武力)抢劫,掠夺
  • hazard 表示“危险、危害”或“危害物、危害之源”,多指偶然发生的或超出控制范围的危险,常意味着较严重或含有一定的风险,相对于 risk 来说更为正式(参见:小词详解 | hazard
  • flake 小薄片;(尤指)碎片

People are once again spending big on the precious metal. On April 9th its spot price hit a record of $2,364 an ounce, having risen by 15% since the start of March. That gold is surging makes a certain degree of sense: the metal is seen to be a hedge against calamity and economic hardship. It tends to rally when countries are at war, economies are uncertain and inflation is rampant.

  • surge 形容物价、利润、数量等“急剧上升、飞涨、激增”,多指在一段稳定或平静的时期内发生的短暂突然的大幅度增加(参见:小词详解 | surge
  • hedge against sth 防止损失(尤指金钱)的手段
  • calamity 表示“灾难、灾祸”以及“不幸、痛苦、苦难”,侧重指以巨大损失和持久痛苦为特点的突发灾难性事件,以及指因重大不幸或损失而导致的极度痛苦或悲惨状态(参见:小词详解 | calamity
  • rampant 泛滥的;猖獗的