
An ageing autocracy

China’s high-stakes struggle to defy demographic disaster

  • defy “违抗、反抗、对抗”以及“蔑视、藐视”,即在权威、法律、规则等方面公开拒绝服从或表示尊重,常意味着敢于挑战被认为是不可战胜的力量或者敢于去做被认为是不可能做到的事情(参见:小词详解 | defy

The Communist Party puts its faith in robots, gene-therapy and bathing services

IF CHINA’S OLD people formed their own country, it would be the fourth most populous in the world, right behind America. This silver-haired state would be growing fast, too. China’s over-60 population sits at 297m, or 21% of the total. By 2050 those figures are expected to reach 520m and 38%. Yet demographers describe China’s future as greyer—and smaller. While its older cohorts are growing, younger ones are not (see chart). China’s total population declined for the second year in a row in 2023. Its labour force has been shrinking for most of the past decade.

  • demographer 人口统计学家
  • cohort (有共同特点或举止类同的)一群人,一批人

China’s economy risks shrinking, too, as a result. With an enormous burden of care on the horizon, the government senses an impending disaster. To date its efforts have focused on boosting the fertility rate (average births per woman), which stands at 1.2—far below the 2.1 required to keep the population stable. Now, though, it is talking about adaptation. During his state-of-the-nation speech last month, the 64-year-old prime minister, Li Qiang, sketched out what he called a “vigorous national strategy” on ageing, covering everything from insurance to pensions.

  • on the horizon 引申指某个事物“已露端倪的、即将发生的”(参见:小词详解 | horizon
  • fertility 富饶;丰产;能生育性;可繁殖性;想象力丰富
  • sketch 概述;简述