

Generative AI has a clean-energy problem

What happens when the AI revolution meets the energy transition

WHEN A COLLEAGUE from this newspaper visited Sam Altman in 2022 at his home in San Francisco, he noticed two pairs of pink high-tops on a bookshelf. One had the logo of Mr Altman’s machine-learning startup, OpenAI. The other bore an emblem for Helion, a nuclear-fusion company that Mr Altman also backs. The entrepreneur is obsessed with both technologies—not just as foot fashion. He believes that the cost of intelligence and the cost of energy will fall in a mutually sustainable way. He calls it a “long and beautiful exponential curve”.
本刊有一位同事曾在2022年到山姆·阿尔特曼(Sam Altman)在旧金山的住所采访,当时他注意到一个书架上摆着两双粉红色高帮鞋。一双印有阿尔特曼创办的机器学习公司OpenAI的标志,另一双印有他投资的核聚变公司Helion的标志。这位企业家痴迷于这两种技术,可不只是为了用来装饰鞋子。他认为人工智能的成本和能源的成本将以一种互利的方式同步下降。他称之为“绵长优美的指数曲线”。

  • emblem 主要用来表示代表国家、组织或家族的“徽章、图案、标记”,即选定用来象征一个国家、组织或家族的符号、图案或实物装置(参见:小词详解 | emblem
  • obsess 使痴迷;使迷恋;使着迷

Nasty, brutish and short, more like. Talk to utilities and data-centre operators and, though many share Mr Altman’s excitement about artificial intelligence (AI), they are grappling with an energy conundrum on which the future of three big economic shifts partly hinges: the AI revolution; the efforts to electrify swathes of the economy; and the fight against climate change. In a nutshell, “generative” AI, the sort behind OpenAI’s ChatGPT, has a ravenous appetite for electricity. It has landed, virtually out of the blue, on a global energy system that is already struggling to cope with alternative sources of power demand. As yet it is not clear whether there will be enough clean energy to meet everyone’s needs.

  • brutish 残忍的;粗野的;蛮横的
  • grapple 努力设法解决
  • conundrum 引申指“难题、难以回答的问题、复杂难解的问题”,常意味着问题错综复杂(intricate)或者只有推测性的答案,认真尝试也难以解决(参见:小词详解 | conundrum
  • swathe 一长条;一长片
  • ravenous 极其饥饿的
  • 拓展学习:熟词僻义 | land 是落入什么样的境地?