

Why robots should take more inspiration from plants

They would be able to grow, grip and move in more useful ways

THE ENORMOUS titular robots of the “Transformers” universe, a popular franchise spanning toys, TV series, video games and films, move along the ground in one of two ways. On wheels, when they are shaped like vehicles; on giant humanoid feet when they are not. For decades, most real-world robots also fell neatly into these two fictional paradigms.

  • enormous 巨大的;庞大的;极大的
  • titular 表示“标题的、书名的”以及戏剧、电影、小说中的人物“被用作标题、剧名、片名、书名的”(参见:小词详解 | titular
  • franchise (公司授予的)特许经销权;(国家授予的)特别经营权,特许
  • paradigm 表示“范例、示例、样板、典范”,常作正式或专业用语使用,主要指事物的非常清晰且典型的例子或模式(参见:小词详解 | paradigm

Then, around 15 years ago, came the realisation that other means of locomotion were possible. “Zoomorphic” robots mined the animal kingdom for inspiration, piggybacking on evolution’s millennia of research and development. One mimicked an octopus’s malleable arm, allowing it to easily grasp objects and manoeuvre into tight, tricky spaces. Another replicated the ridge-covered toes of a gecko and, consequently, its ability to scale walls.

  • locomotion 动(力);运动(力)
  • piggyback 背着;肩驮
  • malleable 可锻造的;可轧压的;易成型的
  • manoeuvre (使谨慎或熟练地)移动,运动;转动