

Could weight-loss drugs eat the world?

Scientists are finding that anti-obesity medicines can also help many other diseases

THE GILA monster is a poisonous North American lizard that measures around 50 centimetres and sports a distinctive coat of black and orange scales. This lethargic reptile, which mostly dwells underground and eats just three to four times a year, is the unlikely inspiration for one of pharma’s biggest blockbusters: a new generation of weight-loss drugs that has patients—and investors—in a frenzy. Originally made for diabetes, evidence is growing that they also have benefits in diseases of the heart, kidney, liver and beyond.

  • scale 鳞;鳞片
  • lethargic 慵懒的;没精打采的;懒洋洋的(参见:小词详解 | lethargy
  • reptile 爬行动物
  • dwell 指“居住、栖身”,与 live 和 reside 十分相近,只是常作为正式用语或书面用语使用,口语中通常用 live 代替(参见:小词详解 | dwell
  • blockbuster 一鸣惊人的事物;(尤指)非常成功的书(或电影)(参见:小词详解 | blockbuster
  • frenzy 疯狂;狂乱;狂暴(参见:小词详解 | frenzy
  • diabetes 糖尿病;多尿症

Since the late 1980s scientists believed that a gut hormone called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), which is secreted by the intestines after a meal, could help treat diabetes. GLP-1 increases the production of insulin (a hormone that lowers blood-sugar levels) and reduces the production of glucagon (which increases blood-sugar levels). But GLP-1 is broken down by enzymes in the body very quickly, so it sticks around for only a few minutes. If it were to be used as a drug, therefore, patients would have faced the unwelcome prospect of needing GLP-1 injections every hour.

  • gut 消化道;肠道
  • secrete 主要表示“(动植物或其器官、细胞等)分泌”(参见:小词详解 | secrete
  • insulin 胰岛素
  • enzyme 酶