
Culp able

What Boeing, Disney and others can learn from General Electric

Lessons from the tenure of Larry Culp

  • tenure (尤指重要政治职务的)任期,任职

ONLY RARELY are chief executives appointed with a mandate for dismemberment. Yet when Larry Culp assumed the top job at General Electric (GE) in October 2018, he was expected to sell parts of the 130-year-old conglomerate at a pace even faster than his empire-building predecessors had assembled them. In November 2021 he announced a radical finale: splitting the firm in three. GE’s health-care business became a separate company last year. On April 2nd its power division went the same way, leaving behind GE Aerospace, the firm’s engine-making operation.
极少有首席执行官在接受任命时会被委以拆解公司的责任。不过,当拉里·卡尔普(Larry Culp)于2018年10月担任通用电气(GE)的最高职位时,人们指望他迅速出售这家有130年历史的企业集团的部分业务,甚至要比他那些建立帝国的前任们组建集团的速度更快。2021年11月,他公布了激进的最终方案:将公司一分为三。GE的医疗业务在去年成为一家独立的公司。今年4月2日,GE的电力部门也走上了同样的道路,留下的是GE航空航天(GE Aerospace),这是GE的发动机制造部门。

  • mandate (政府或组织等经选举而获得的)授权
  • conglomerate 联合大公司;企业集团
  • finale (演出的)终场,结局;(音乐的)终曲,末乐章(参见:小词详解 | finale

Investors are reaping the rewards. After dithering during the first four years of Mr Culp’s tenure, GE’s shares have been on a jet-fuelled tear. The cumulative stockmarket value of GE’s three successor firms is $237bn. Although that is well below the firm’s peak of $594bn in 2000, it is more than double what Mr Culp inherited. Business-school students have spent decades dissecting the hubristic acquisitions that defined GE’s life. Now they must heed the lessons from its final act.

  • dither 犹豫不决;踌躇
  • hubristic 傲慢的、目中无人的