
Health technology

The AI doctor will see you…eventually

Artificial intelligence holds huge promise in health care. But it also faces massive barriers

BETTER DIAGNOSES. Personalised support for patients. Faster drug discovery. Greater efficiency. Artificial intelligence (AI) is generating excitement and hyperbole everywhere, but in the field of health care it has the potential to be transformational. In Europe analysts predict that deploying AI could save hundreds of thousands of lives each year; in America, they say, it could also save money, shaving $200bn-360bn from overall annual medical spending, now $4.5trn a year (or 17% of GDP). From smart stethoscopes and robot surgeons to the analysis of large data sets or the ability to chat to a medical AI with a human face, opportunities abound.

  • hyperbole 夸张(法)
  • deploy 泛指“施展、调动、利用、有效运用”或者说“发挥……的作用”,常作正式用语使用,主要指为了某个特意的目的而有效地利用或安排
  • shave (少量地)削减,调低,降价
  • stethoscopes 听诊器

There is already evidence that AI systems can enhance diagnostic accuracy and disease tracking, improve the prediction of patients’ outcomes and suggest better treatments. It can also boost efficiency in hospitals and surgeries by taking on tasks such as medical transcription and monitoring patients, and by streamlining administration. It may already be speeding the time it takes for new drugs to reach clinical trials. New tools, including generative AI, could supercharge these abilities. Yet as our Technology Quarterly this week shows, although AI has been used in health care for many years, integration has been slow and the results have often been mediocre.

  • boost 使增长;使兴旺
  • streamline 使成流线型;使(系统、机构等)效率更高、(尤指)使增产节约(参见:单词双拼 | streamline 究竟如何提升效率?
  • integration 结合、整合、一体化;(不同肤色、种族、宗教信仰等的人的)混合,融合
  • mediocre 使用时常作贬义词,主要指中等或低质量、价值、能力或表现的,常意味着远达不到人们所谓好的标准,因而也被进一步用来引申指“不够好的、第二流的或劣等的”(参见:小词详解 | mediocre