
The AI pie

Just how rich are businesses getting in the AI gold rush?

Nvidia and Microsoft are not the only winners

BARELY A DAY goes by without excitement over artificial intelligence (AI) sending another company’s market value through the roof. Last month the share price of Dell, a hardware-maker, jumped by over 30% in a day because of hopes that AI will boost sales. Days later Together AI, a cloud-computing startup, raised new funding at a valuation of $1.3bn, up from $500m in November. One of its investors is Nvidia, a maker of AI chips that is itself on an extended bull run. Before the launch in November 2022 of ChatGPT, a “generative” AI that responds to queries in uncannily humanlike ways, its market value was about $300bn, similar to that of Home Depot, a home-improvement chain. Today it is $2.3trn, $500bn or so shy of Apple’s.
几乎每天都会有一次这样的兴奋时刻——又一家公司的市值因人工智能(AI)而飙升。因预期AI将提升销售额,硬件制造商戴尔的股价在3月的一天之内猛涨超过30%。几天后,云计算创业公司Together AI完成了新一轮融资,估值已从去年11月时的5亿美元上升到了13亿美元。英伟达是其投资者之一,这家生产AI芯片的公司自己的股价也在一路上涨。2022年11月,ChatGPT这个回应查询直逼真人的“生成式”AI问世,此前英伟达的市值约为3000亿美元,与家居装修连锁店家得宝(Home Depot)相当,而今它的市值已经达到2.3万亿美元,只比苹果公司低了大约5000亿美元。

  • startup 刚起步的小企业,新兴小型企业
  • uncanny 异常的;难以解释的

The relentless stream of AI headlines makes it hard to get a sense of which businesses are real winners in the AI boom—and which will win in the longer run. To help answer this question The Economist has looked where value has accrued so far and how this tallies with the expected sales of products and services in the AI “stack”, as technologists call the various layers of hardware and software on which AI relies to work its magic. On March 18th many companies up and down the stack descended on San Jose for a four-day jamboree hosted by Nvidia. With talks on everything from robotics to drug discovery, the shindig showed off the latest AI innovations. It highlighted furious competition between firms within layers of the stack and, increasingly, between them.
AI频频登上新闻头条,让人很难辨别哪些企业是这轮AI热潮中真正的赢家——以及哪些企业会获得更长远的成功。为帮助回答这个问题,本刊研究了到目前为止价值在哪里增长最多,以及这种增长与AI“堆栈”(技术专家对AI运行所依赖的各种硬件和软件层的称法)中产品和服务的预期销售量是否相符。3月18日,AI堆栈中的众多公司齐聚圣何塞(San Jose),参加了由英伟达主办的为期四天的大会,探讨从机器人技术到药物发现的各种议题并展示了最新的AI创新。它突显出堆栈各层内部公司之间的激烈竞争,以及各层之间日益激烈的竞争。

  • relentless 不停的、持续强烈的、不减弱的;不放弃的、严格的、苛刻的、无情的
  • accrue 表示逐渐“增加、增长”,常作正式用语搭配 accrue (to sb) (from sth) 使用,主要指金钱、利益、利息以及债务、支出等定期或者随着时间推移自然增长、积累而产生或形成(参见:小词详解 | accrue
  • jamboree 大型聚会、庆祝会;童子军大会、女童子军大会
  • shindig 盛大而喧闹的聚会、盛大舞会
  • furious 表示“强烈的、猛烈的、激烈的”以及“高速的、大力的”,多指用巨大的精力、努力、速度或暴力做某事,强调因强烈的情感而充满着兴奋或狂热(参见:小词详解 | furious