
AI alignment

How to train your large language model

A new technique is speeding up the process

IT IS NO secret that building a large language model (LLM) requires vast amounts of data. In conventional training, an LLM is fed mountains of text, and encouraged to guess each word before it appears. With each prediction, the LLM makes small adjustments to improve its chances of guessing right. The end result is something that has a certain statistical “understanding” of what is proper language and what isn’t.
构建大语言模型 (LLM) 需要大量数据,这已不是什么秘密。在传统的训练中,要给大语言模型灌输大量文本,并鼓励它猜测下一个该出现的单词。针对每次猜测,模型都会进行一些小调整以提高猜对的几率。最终结果是,对于什么是恰当的语言,什么不是,模型有了某种统计意义上的“理解”。

But an LLM that has only undergone this so-called “pretraining” is not yet particularly useful. When asked for a joke to cheer your correspondent up, for instance, the pretrained model GPT-2 just repeated the question back three times. When asked who the American president was, it responded: “The answer is no. The president is not the president.” Clearly, teaching an LLM to do what humans want requires something more.