
Crude awakenings

  • crude 表示“天然的、自然的、未加工的”,原用来形容粗面包或未鞣制的兽皮处于自然或未经处理的状态,现在则主要用来形容石油等自然物质处于原始未开发状态,尚未经人工加工或精炼过(参见:小词详解 | crude

Oil’s endgame could be highly disruptive

The oil shocks of the future will be driven by demand, not supply

FOR DECADES, the biggest fears about oil centred on its supply. The lesson was first learnt half a century ago, when the Arab members of OPEC banned exports to America and other supporters of Israel in the Arab-Israeli war. Today you might think that the link between energy and geopolitics has been mercifully severed. Even as war has returned to the Middle East and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has made it a pariah to the West, oil markets have been largely quiescent. In fact, however, a new phase is beginning—one in which oil demand, not supply, will be the primary influence on energy markets. This shift will bring with it profound geopolitical consequences.

  • pariah 引申指“社会弃儿、被社会遗弃者”,常用来表示不为社会所接受且人人都拒绝与之交往的隶属于某个群体的人,无论这种排斥是否合理(参见:小词详解 | pariah

Governments everywhere are designing policies to reduce the demand for oil and boost alternative sources of energy, as they seek to fight climate change. Technologies such as those behind electric vehicles are only becoming cheaper and more advanced. The coming peak and subsequent decline of global demand for oil will determine prices and production over the decades to come.