
Angry young men

Making sense of the gulf between young men and women

  • gulf 分歧;鸿沟;隔阂

It’s complicated. But better schooling for boys might help

MEN AND women have different experiences, so you would expect them to have different worldviews. Nonetheless, the growing gulf between young men and women in developed countries is striking. Polling data from 20 such countries shows that, whereas two decades ago there was little difference between the share of men and women aged 18-29 who described themselves as liberal rather than conservative, the gap has grown to 25 percentage points. Young men also seem more anti-feminist than older men, bucking the trend for each generation to be more liberal than its predecessor. Polls from 27 European countries found that men under 30 were more likely than those over 65 to agree that “advancing women’s and girls’ rights has gone too far because it threatens men’s and boys’ opportunities”. Similar results can be found in Britain, South Korea and China. Young women were likely to believe the opposite.

  • Poll 民意测验;民意调查
  • buck 抵制;反抗

Unpicking what is going on is not simple. A good place to start is to note that young women are soaring ahead of their male peers academically. In the European Union fully 46% of them earn degrees, versus 35% of young men, a gap that has doubled since 2002. One consequence is that young women are more likely than men to spend their early adulthood in a cocoon of campus liberalism. Meanwhile, boys outnumber girls at the bottom end of the scholastic scale. Across rich countries, 28% of them fail to learn to read to a basic level. That is true of only 18% of girls.

  • unpick 拆去…的缝线;拆(编织物)的针脚
  • peer 主要表示“同龄人、同辈人”或“身份地位相同的人”(参见:小词详解 | peer
  • versus (比较两种不同想法、选择等)与…相对,与…相比
  • cocoon 茧;保护膜;防护层;软罩