
Pumped up

America’s extraordinary economy keeps defying the pessimists

  • defy 指“违抗、反抗、对抗”以及“蔑视、藐视”,即在权威、法律、规则等方面公开拒绝服从或表示尊重,常意味着敢于挑战被认为是不可战胜的力量或者敢于去做被认为是不可能做到的事情,并时常含有一种较为明显的嘲弄意味 (参见:小词详解 | defy

Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden have ideas that endanger it

  • endanger 使遭危险;危及;危害

YOU HAVE to marvel at America’s economy. Not long ago it was widely thought to be on the brink of recession. Instead it ended 2023 nearly 3% larger than 12 months earlier, having enjoyed one of the boomier years of the century so far. And it continues to defy expectations. At the start of this year, economists had been forecasting annualised growth in the first quarter of 1%; that prediction has since doubled. The labour market is in rude health, too. The unemployment rate has been below 4% for 25 consecutive months, the longest such spell in over 50 years. No wonder Uncle Sam is putting the rest of the world to shame. Since the end of 2019 the economy has grown by nearly 8% in real terms, more than twice as fast as the euro zone’s and ten times as quickly as Japan’s. Britain’s has barely grown at all.

  • marvel 表示“大为赞叹、惊讶不已、感到惊奇”,常用搭配 marvel at sth 指人对某物充满了惊奇、惊叹或钦佩(参见:小词详解 | marvel
  • brink 表示危险的、新的、令人兴奋的事情或处境的“边缘、初始状态、始发点”,强调从一个状态突然转变到另一个状态的可能性或风险(参见:小词详解 | brink
  • consecutive 连续不断的
  • 拓展学习:熟词僻义 | spell 是一种怎样的时间和意味?

America’s expansion is all the more striking when you consider the many things that could have killed it. As the Federal Reserve has fought inflation the economy has endured the sharpest rise in interest rates since Jimmy Carter was in the White House. The covid-19 pandemic, an intensifying trade war with China and the fight against climate change have together reshaped supply chains, labour markets and consumer preferences. Wars in Ukraine and Gaza have aggravated geopolitical tensions and worsened the strains on the global trading system.

  • aggravate 指“加重、加剧、使严重、使恶化”,多指使疾病、问题、伤害、罪行等不好或困难的局势明显加剧(参见:小词详解 | aggravate