

Back to the moon

Bitcoin’s price is surging. What happens next?

  • surge 形容物价、利润、数量等“急剧上升、飞涨、激增”,多指在一段稳定或平静的时期内发生的短暂突然的大幅度增加(参见:小词详解 | surge

The cryptocurrency is up by 63% this year

FOR A BRIEF moment, everyone who owned bitcoin had made money from it. On March 5th the crypto token rose to an all-time high of just above $69,000—a level sure to delight the meme-loving crypto-crowd—before slipping back a little. The record capped a remarkable comeback from the dark days of November 2022, when interest-rate rises were crushing risk appetite and FTX, a crypto exchange, had just gone bust. Buying bitcoin on such exchanges seemed like little more than a fun and novel way to get robbed.

  • cap 胜过;超过;比…更…
  • bust 破碎;毁坏
  • novel 新颖的;与众不同的;珍奇的

Bitcoin is hardly rallying in isolation: everything is going up. Stockmarkets all over the world are near record highs. So are gold prices. Even bond prices are climbing after a miserable two-year stretch. The catalyst is a combination of hype about artificial intelligence, joy at the state of the global economy and expectations of looser monetary policy to come.

  • hype 电视、广播、互联网等媒体中言过其实的“促销广告、促销讨论”或者说“大肆的宣传、炒作”(参见:小词详解 | hype