
Urban economics

The world is in the midst of a city-building boom

Everyone, from Donald Trump and Peter Thiel to Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, is getting involved

AFRICA’S TALLEST building is rising under empty skies. Beneath the Iconic Tower in northern Egypt sits a city that officials expect to one day house 6.5m people. For now, though, it is mostly empty—like the desert that came before it.
非洲最高的建筑在空旷的天空下拔地而起。这座位于埃及北部的标志塔(Iconic Tower)俯瞰着一座城市,官员们预计有朝一日这里将容纳650万人口。不过现在,这座城市基本上还是空无人烟——一如它出现之前的那片沙漠。

  • iconic 符号的;图标的;图符的;偶像的

Egypt’s “New Administrative Capital” is part of a rush of city-building. Firms and governments are planning more settlements than at any time in the post-war period, with many already under construction. Ninety-one cities have been announced in the past decade, with 15 in the past year alone. In addition to its new capital in the north, Egypt is building five other cities, with plans for dozens more. India is considering eight urban hubs. Outside Baghdad, Iraq, workers have just broken ground on the first of five settlements.
埃及的这个“新行政首都”(New Administrative Capital)是一轮城市建设热的一部分。企业和政府正在规划的定居点比战后任何时候都多,其中许多定居点已经在建设中。在过去十年中已经宣布了91个城市建设计划,仅去年一年就宣布了15个。除了北部的新首都,埃及还在建设其他五个城市,并计划再建几十个。印度正在考虑建立八个城市中枢。在伊拉克巴格达郊外,工人们刚刚破土开建五个定居点中的第一个。