
How high can markets go?

A golden age for stockmarkets is drawing to a close

Share prices may be surging, but even AI is unlikely to drive a repeat of the past decade’s performance

  • surge 形容物价、利润、数量等“急剧上升、飞涨、激增”,多指在一段稳定或平静的时期内发生的短暂突然的大幅度增加(参见:小词详解 | surge

STOCKMARKETS TEND to rise gradually; recently they have soared. American stocks are up by 21% since the end of October and stand roughly 5% above their vertiginous peak in January 2022. On February 22nd Europe’s equities set a new record for the first time in two years. India has been enjoying a multi-year boom as optimism about its economy abounds. Even Japanese stocks—a byword for stagnation—have at last exceeded the level they reached in 1989 before a decades-long slump. It has been an extraordinary run. Since 2010, the S&P 500 index of American stocks has returned 11% a year in real terms.

  • soar 急升;猛增
  • vertiginous 引起眩晕的
  • byword (某种品质或特征的)代表人,代表事物,典范
  • stagnation 停滞、萧条、滞止;迟钝
  • slump (价格、价值、数量等)骤降,猛跌,锐减

These profits are all the more striking given what markets have had to contend with. The age of free money has been followed by two years of interest-rate rises—and even now bond investors are betting against imminent cuts. A trade war is raging between America and China; actual wars are raging in Ukraine, the Middle East and parts of Africa. Around the world, governments are turning away from free markets and globalisation in favour of industrial policy and protectionism. If all that has not extinguished this rally, whatever will?

  • imminent 表示“即将发生的、临近的、迫近的、逼近的”,常指某个不好的或危险的事物正在威胁性地接近(参见:小词详解 | imminent
  • rage (暴风雨、战斗、争论等)猛烈地继续;激烈进行