
Indecipherable fingerprints

A secret room in Florence boasts drawings by Michelangelo

The artist’s fingerprints are all over the walls—or are they?

STANDING IN THE mausoleum of the Medici Chapel in Florence, among tombs and elegant sculptures designed by Michelangelo, you could be excused for failing to notice the doorway to the left. It leads to a cloakroom, where a trap door opens to a flight of narrow steps. At the bottom is a small vaulted room. The eggshell-white walls are covered with graceful nude figures, a falling Phaethon (son of the sun god), a looming horse’s head and several shapely legs drawn in shadowy charcoal—sketches, the museum claims, by the great Renaissance artist himself.

  • mausoleum (名人、富人的)陵寝、陵墓
  • chapel (学校、监狱、私人宅院等基督教徒礼拜用的)小教堂;(教堂内的)分堂,小教堂;【英式英语】(基督教某些教派如英国的不从国教派教徒做礼拜的)教堂
  • cloakroom 衣帽间、衣帽寄放处;厕所、卫生间、洗手间
  • trap door (地板的)活板门;(房顶的)活动天窗
  • vaulted 拱形的;有拱顶的
  • loom 表示“赫然耸现、隐约显现”或“战争、危机等危险性事物阴森地逼近”,尤指令人惊恐地隐现,好像从雾中浮现出来一样(参见:小词详解 | loom

This stanza segreta (secret room) had long been closed. Only scholars and bigwigs like King Charles III and Leonardo DiCaprio were allowed entry by the National Museum of the Bargello, of which the chapel is a part. But in November the basement room was opened for a trial period of four months to 100 pre-booked visitors a week; they are allowed in for 15 minutes in groups of four. Tickets sold out. Officials recently extended the experiment until July.
这个密室长期关闭。管理礼拜堂的巴杰罗国家博物馆(National Museum of the Bargello)过去只允许学者和像英国国王查尔斯三世和莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥这样的大人物进入。但去年11月起,这个地下室开始了为期四个月的试开放,每周允许100位提前预约过的游客前来参观;每四人一组,可以观看15分钟。门票销售一空。最近官员们将试开放延长到了7月。

  • bigwig 要人;大人物