
Good optics

Refik Anadol’s use of AI has made him the artist of the moment

His work seems to be everywhere, blurring the boundaries between art and engineering

  • blur 引申用来表示“(使)变得模糊不清”,既可以表示“(使)视线、形状、界线等模糊、看不清”,也可以表示“(使)感觉、想法、区别等模糊、不明晰、难以区别”,多指像墨水轻微涂抹那般使得事物原本清晰的边缘模糊不清(参见:小词详解 | blur

HE IS IN high demand. Last year Refik Anadol projected luminous images of coral on to a wall at the World Economic Forum in Davos and covered the exterior screen of the Sphere, a new concert venue in Las Vegas, with animated, tumbling blue blocks. In October the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York acquired “Unsupervised—Machine Hallucinations”, in which a machine-learning model generates artworks based on those in the museum’s collection. On February 16th “Echoes of the Earth”, his largest-ever show in Britain, opened at the Serpentine North Gallery in London.
他现在炙手可热。去年,雷菲克·安纳多尔(Refik Anadol)在达沃斯世界经济论坛上将五光十色的珊瑚影像投射到了一面墙上,还给拉斯维加斯新建成的音乐场馆Sphere的外部屏幕设计了满屏翻滚的蓝色色块。去年10月,纽约现代艺术博物馆(MoMA)收藏了他的作品《无人监督——机器幻觉》(Unsupervised—Machine Hallucinations),它用机器学习模型基于该馆的馆藏不断生成新的艺术作品。2月16日,他迄今最大规模的作品《地球的回声》(Echoes of the Earth)在英国伦敦的北蛇形画廊(Serpentine North Gallery)揭幕。

Mr Anadol, a 38-year-old Turk who lives in Los Angeles, is riding widespread public interest in artificial intelligence to become the most visible digital artist of his generation. His work reflects the innovation and anxieties of the current moment. As Mr Anadol sees it, AI is a powerful creative tool. In a world where so much of life happens in a digital realm, he argues, data has become a new “pigment”.

  • realm 王国;领域、场所
  • pigment 色素;颜料