
In the nick of time

  • in the nick of time 在最后一刻;紧要关头;恰是时候

As the Nikkei 225 hits record highs, Japan’s young start investing

Will more now favour domestic stocks?

SAITO MARI, a 28-year-old nurse, was frustrated. Her pay, at just ¥160,000 ($1,100) a month, was meagre; after bills, rent, shopping and a few holidays, she had little left over. So in 2020 she decided to buy some stocks. “I used to think it was too risky,” says Ms Saito, who learned about investing via books and YouTube. “But it was amazing to see my assets grow.”

  • frustrate 使懊丧;使懊恼;使沮丧
  • meagre 泛指土地、食物、薪资等“粗劣的、贫乏的、质量差的、不足的、微薄的”,侧重指提供的或可用的东西在数量或质量上缺乏,远不足所需(参见:小词详解 | meagre
  • 拓展学习:熟词僻义 | bill是一种什么器官?

Although Ms Saito’s story would be unremarkable anywhere else, it is part of a sea change in Japan. According to surveys by the Investment Trusts Association, 23% of people in their twenties invested in mutual funds last year, up from 6% in 2016. So did 29% of people in their thirties, up from 10%—a bigger rise than in any other age group. Those with exposure to the Nikkei 225, which on February 22nd passed a record high set in 1989, are reaping the rewards.
尽管斋藤的情况在其他任何地方都可能稀松平常,但它却反映了日本的一些重大转变。日本投资信托协会(Investment Trusts Association)的调查显示,去年,20多岁人群有23%投资了共同基金,而2016年这一比例为6%;30多岁人群中做此投资的有29%,而2016年这一比例为10%——增幅高于其他年龄段。2月22日,日经225指数突破了1989年创下的历史最高点,那些持有该指数基金的投资者正在收获回报。

  • sea change (态度、行为的)巨变,彻底转变
  • reap 收割(庄稼),收获;取得(成果)