

How to benefit from the conversations you have at work

Stop thinking about your next point and listen to the one being made

SUCCESSFUL WORKPLACES are usually characterised by good communication. Bosses provide a clear sense of where they want the firm to go; employees feel able to voice disagreements; colleagues share information rather than hoarding it. But being a good communicator is too often conflated with one particular skill: speaking persuasively.

  • hoard 除了相应尤指秘密地“聚藏、贮藏、囤积”外,也可以进一步引申指将自己的想法、意图、感情等隐藏在心里(参见:小词详解 | hoard
  • conflate 合并;合成;混合

In a paper published in 2015, Kyle Brink of Western Michigan University and Robert Costigan of St John Fisher College found that 76% of undergraduate business degrees in America had a learning goal for presentation skills, but only 11% had a goal related to listening. Business students were being schooled to give TED talks rather than have conversations. That may have costs. Another study, conducted by Dotan Castro of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and his co-authors, found that when people felt listened to by those in supervisory roles their creativity and sense of psychological safety improved.
西密歇根大学(Western Michigan University)的凯尔·布林克(Kyle Brink)和圣约翰费舍尔学院(St John Fisher College)的罗伯特·科斯蒂根(Robert Costigan) 在2015年发表的一篇论文中指出,美国76%的商科本科都有关于演讲技巧的学习目标,但只有11%设置了与倾听相关的目标。商科学生接受的教育是去做TED演讲,而不是交谈。这也许是有代价的。耶路撒冷希伯来大学的多坦·卡斯特罗(Dotan Castro)及其他人进行的另一项研究发现,当人们感到自己的意见得到管理者的倾听时,他们的创造力和心理安全感都会提高。

  • brink 引申表示危险的、新的、令人兴奋的事情或处境的“边缘、初始状态、始发点”,强调从一个状态突然转变到另一个状态的可能性或风险 (参见:小词详解 | brink