

Why you should never retire

Pleasure cruises, golf and tracing the family tree are not that fulfilling

IN AN EPISODE of “The Sopranos”, a popular television series which started airing in the 1990s, a gangster tells Tony, from the titular family, that he wants to retire. “What are you, a hockey player?” Tony snaps back. Non-fictional non-criminals who are considering an end to their working lives need not worry about broken fingers or other bodily harm. But they must still contend with other potentially painful losses: of income, purpose or, most poignantly, relevance.
在1990年代首播的热剧《黑道家族》(The Sopranos)的一集里,一个黑帮分子对该家族的老大托尼说自己想退休了。“你当自己是什么人,冰球运动员吗?”托尼厉声斥道。在现实中,不混黑帮的人在考虑结束自己的职业生涯时,不必担心手指被人折断或遭受其他身体伤害。但他们仍必须应对其他可能令人痛苦的损失:收入、目标,或者最令人心酸的——社会存在感。

  • episode 表示剧本、小说等文艺作品中的“插曲、片段”或连载小说中的“一节”,以及上面提到的戏剧、电影、电视等的连续剧的“一出、一集、一部分”(参见:小词详解 | episode
  • gangster 匪徒;歹徒;土匪
  • titular 名义上的、有名无实的、徒具虚名的(参见:小词详解 | titular
  • hockey 曲棍球
  • snap 厉声说;怒气冲冲地说;不耐烦地说
  • poignant 令人沉痛的;悲惨的;酸楚的

Some simply won’t quit. Giorgio Armani refuses to relinquish his role as chief executive of his fashion house at the age of 89. Being Italy’s second-richest man has not dampened his work ethic. Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett’s sidekick at Berkshire Hathaway, worked for the investment powerhouse until he died late last year at the age of 99. Mr Buffett himself is going strong at 93.
有些人干脆就不退下来。已经89岁的乔治·阿玛尼(Giorgio Armani)仍然拒绝辞去在自己时装公司首席执行官的职务。他是意大利第二大富豪,但这并不折损他的工作热情。巴菲特在伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)的副手查理·芒格(Charlie Munger)一直为这家投资巨头工作,直至去年年底去世,享年99岁。巴菲特本人也已93岁高龄,仍然干劲十足。

  • relinquish 表示“放弃”或“交出、让予”,常作为正式用语表示在不情愿的情况下自愿放弃继续持有或者主张某物(参见:小词详解 | relinquish
  • dampen 喻指“抑制、控制、减弱”,主要指使热情、激动、兴致以及价格、支出等非物质事物变得不那么强烈或兴奋(参见:小词详解 | dampen
  • ethic 道德体系;行为准则
  • sidekick 助手;副手