
Boxing match

How worried should Amazon be about Shein and Temu?

Dirt-cheap products and marketing splurges are catching clicks

  • splurge 指“挥霍”,常作非正式用语使用,侧重指挥霍无度地放纵自己随意或奢侈地花钱的行为(参见:小词详解 | splurge

“SHOP LIKE a billionaire.” With that enticing slogan Temu touted itself to Americans watching the Super Bowl on February 11th. Football fans had been treated to a similar advert from the e-commerce company at last year’s event. But this time the message was hammered home. In all, Temu’s ad played five times. That won’t have been cheap. A 30-second slot during this year’s Super Bowl cost around $7m. JPMorgan Chase, a bank, reckons the company will spend $3bn on marketing this year, up from $1.7bn in 2023.

  • entice 表示“诱使、诱惑、引诱、怂恿”,侧重指巧妙且娴熟地通过提供快乐或好处来唤起希望或欲望,从而吸引或诱惑某人做某事(参见:小词详解 | entice
  • tout 标榜、吹捧、吹嘘
  • hammer 反复敲打,连续击打(尤指发出大声)

Temu, based in Boston, is an offshoot of Pinduoduo, a Chinese e-commerce firm. It is attempting to replicate the success of Shein, a Chinese fast-fashion seller, which shot to success in America in 2021 helped by clever marketing and ultra-low prices. In their bid to win over American shoppers the duo are spending so lavishly on digital ads that their footprints show up in big tech companies’ earnings. On February 1st Susan Li, the chief financial officer of Meta, a social-media giant, said that Chinese advertisers contributed 10% of her firm’s revenue last year and five percentage points to its worldwide revenue growth. In November Josh Silverman, the boss of Etsy, an online marketplace for artisan knick-knacks, blamed Temu and Shein for pushing up the price of digital advertising.
总部位于波士顿的Temu是中国电商公司拼多多的子公司。它试图复制中国快时尚电商Shein于2021年在美国的异军突起,后者的成功得益于巧妙的营销和超低的价格。为了赢得美国消费者的青睐,这两家公司在数字广告上大手笔撒钱,在美国科技巨头的财报上留下了明显印记。2月1日,社交媒体巨头Meta的首席财务官苏珊·李(Susan Li)表示,中国广告主去年贡献了Meta营收的10%,以及5个百分点的全球收入增长。去年11月,在线手工艺品市场Etsy的首席执行官约什·希弗曼(Josh Silverman)认为是Temu和Shein推高了数字广告的价格。

  • offshoot 分支;(尤指)分支机构
  • duo 一对表演者;搭档
  • artisan 工匠;手艺人