

Companies run to their own annual rhythms

Seasonality in firms, from budgeting cycles to bonus rounds

SEASONALITY IS A big part of business. For some industries, seasonal patterns are a defining feature. Agriculture is one obvious example; tourism another. Western toymakers notch up a huge proportion of their annual sales in the run-up to Christmas. Construction is harder during cold weather, which is why that industry employs fewer people in the winter.

Firms that are less obviously tied to the seasons can still be deeply affected by them, as a recent review by Ian Hohm of the University of British Columbia and his co-authors makes clear. An analysis of social-media posts on Twitter, now X, found that dieting-related tweets peak in the spring, as the season of body dysmorphia (ie, summer) approaches. Condom sales and online searches for pornography in America tend to rise in the summer and around Christmas.
不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)的伊恩·霍姆(Ian Hohm)及其合著者最近发表的一篇报告认为,看起来与季节没有明显关联的公司也仍可能深受季节的影响。一项对推特(Twitter,现已更名为X)上社交媒体帖子的分析发现,随着体型恐惧高发季(也就是夏季)即将来临,与节食减肥相关的推文在春季达到高峰。美国的避孕套销量和网上色情搜索量在夏季和圣诞前后趋于上升。

  • 拓展学习:熟词僻义 | weather 是一种怎样的安全通过?
  • dysmorphia 畸形,变形(身体部位的过度增长症)
  • condom (男用)避孕套,保险套,安全套;阴茎套;(女用)避孕套
  • pornography 淫秽作品;色情书刊(或音像制品等)