
Online media

The end of the social network

As Facebook turns 20, social apps are being transformed

FACEBOOK MAY be turning 20 on February 4th, but it is just as much of a magnet for controversy and cash today as when it was a brash, break-everything teenager. On January 31st Mark Zuckerberg, the social network’s founder, was harangued by American senators over the spread of harmful material. The next day, as we published this, he was poised to announce another set of glittering results for Meta, Facebook’s parent company, which is now valued at $1trn. Yet even as social media reliably draw vast amounts of attention from addicts and critics alike, they are undergoing a profound but little-noticed transformation.

  • magnet 磁铁、磁石、吸铁石;有吸引力的人(或地方、事物);磁体、磁性物体
  • brash 指人或其行为“自以为是的、盛气凌人的、爱突出自己的”(参见:小词详解 | brash
  • 拓展学习:熟词僻义 | founder 有风险,创业需谨慎
  • harangue 呵斥;大声谴责;慷慨激昂地劝说
  • poise 保持(某种姿势);抓紧;使稳定
  • glittering 闪闪发光的;华丽的;辉煌的;成功的;盛大的

The weird magic of online social networks was to combine personal interactions with mass communication. Now this amalgam is splitting in two again. Status updates from friends have given way to videos from strangers that resemble a hyperactive TV. Public posting is increasingly migrating to closed groups, rather like email. What Mr Zuckerberg calls the digital “town square” is being rebuilt—and posing problems.

  • amalgam (用作补牙材料的)汞齐,汞合金;混合物
  • hyperactive 过分活跃的,多动的