经济学人双语精读:苹果的Vision Pro头显开启个人科技产品新时代

After the iPhone

Apple’s Vision Pro headset ushers in a new era of personal technology
苹果的Vision Pro头显开启个人科技产品新时代

  • 动词短语 usher sth↔in 表示“开创、创始、开启”,多用于形容某种重大的变化或新事物(参见:小词详解 | usher

Tech firms are racing to build the gadget that supplants the smartphone

  • gadget 表示“小器具、小装置、小玩意儿”,主要指能做某种有用事情的小型机械或电子的设备、装置或工具,特别是巧妙或新颖的,且能够增加人的舒适性、便利性或乐趣的设备、装置或工具(参见:小词详解 | gadget
  • supplant 泛指“取代、替代”,常作正式用语使用,侧重指将年老者或者过时的事物连根拔起后取而代之(参见:小词详解 | supplant

APPLE FANS have eagerly awaited February 2nd to get their hands on the tech giant’s latest gadget, a new augmented-reality headset called the Vision Pro. Some early reviewers complained that it caused headaches and had a two-hour battery life. Many potential buyers will be put off by the price tag of $3,499. Still, perhaps 200,000 have been pre-ordered, about 40% of what Apple had reportedly expected to sell this year. Tim Cook, Apple’s boss, has described trying the Vision Pro as an “aha moment”. “You only have a few of those in your lifetime,” he added.
科技巨头苹果公司于2月2日推出最新产品——一款名为Vision Pro的新型增强现实头显。粉丝们翘首以待,跃跃欲试。一些先期评测者抱怨这款头显会引发头痛,而且电池续航时间只有两小时。许多有意向的买家也会因其3499美元的标价而却步。不过Vision Pro可能已经预售出20万台,约占传言中苹果预期年销量的40%。苹果老板库克形容试用Vision Pro是个让人惊艳的时刻。“这样的感觉一生中也就只有几次。”

  • augmented-reality 增强现实
  • aha (表示了解或发现某事物的喜悦)啊哈

Aha or not, the Vision Pro is part of a trend. In September techies got excited about a new pair of smart glasses made by Meta, Facebook’s parent company, and Ray-Ban, an eyewear brand. The spectacles are controlled by voice and can play music, send texts and film everything you see. Two months later Humane, a startup founded by former Apple executives, launched the Pin, a brooch with which users interact by talking and gesticulating. In January the r1, a voice-controlled gizmo half the size of a smartphone, enthralled attendees at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Its maker, a startup called Rabbit, has sold nearly 100,000.
不管是否如此惊艳,Vision Pro的确是潮流的一部分。去年9月,Facebook母公司Meta联合眼镜品牌雷朋推出了一副全新智能眼镜,让科技迷兴奋不已。这款眼镜由语音控制,可以播放音乐,发送信息,还可以将你目光所及都摄录下来。两个月后,由苹果公司前高管创办的公司Humane推出一款名为Pin的AI胸针,用户可以通过语音和手势与之互动。今年1月,在拉斯维加斯举行的国际消费电子展上,一款只有智能手机一半大小的声控电子设备r1让参会客商为之着迷。它的开发者、创业公司Rabbit已经卖出了近十万台设备。

  • gesticulate 做手势;用手势表达;用动作示意
  • gizmo 小玩意儿;小装置
  • enthrall 引申为“迷住、吸引住”,多用于被动语态,强调被某人或某物完全吸引和迷住,使自身全部的注意力或兴趣都集中于该人或该物身上,形同被其奴役那般(参见:小词详解 | enthrall