
After the fire

Against the odds, Notre Dame cathedral will reopen this year

The rebuilding of the famous monument prompted a debate about how much should change

ON AN ICY January morning, perched at a dizzying height of nearly 100 metres above the ground, specialist roofers are covering the rebuilt oak spire of Notre Dame cathedral with layers of lead sheeting. Working on platforms reached by a perilous flight of narrow steps that cling to the soaring spire, they are putting the final touches on a 1,000-piece, solid-oak structure that will soon restore the cathedral’s familiar silhouette.

Designed in 1859 by Eugène Viollet-le-Duc, an architect, and felled by the devastating fire of 2019, the new flèche remains hidden behind dense scaffolding. But five years after the world watched aghast as the gothic cathedral roof was devoured by flames, the project to rebuild Notre Dame is, astonishingly, on schedule. The cathedral doors are due to reopen in December. (Visitors for the Olympics, which Paris will host starting in late July, must wait to glimpse inside.)
建筑师尤金·维奥莱特-勒-杜克(Eugène Viollet-le-Duc)于1859年设计的巴黎圣母院尖塔毁于2019年的那场毁灭性大火。如今新的尖塔仍然被密实的脚手架遮挡着。但是,在世人目瞪口呆地看着大火吞噬这座哥特式大教堂屋顶的五年之后,人们惊讶地发现,巴黎圣母院的修复工程竟然在按时推进着。这座大教堂定于今年12月重新开放。(7月下旬前往巴黎观看奥运会的游客还得等一等才能一睹其内部风貌。)

  • flèche 法语表示“尖顶塔”
  • scaffolding 脚手架(组);鹰架
  • aghast 惊恐;惊骇
  • gothic 哥特式的,哥特风格的(12至16世纪流行于西欧的建筑风格,以尖拱、尖窗和细长柱为特色)
  • devour 指火灾、瘟疫等无生命物“吞没、吞灭、吞噬、毁灭、席卷”村庄、建筑、人口、文明等,也就是如狼吞虎咽地大口吃光那般彻底耗尽或毁掉某物(参见:小词详解 | devour
  • glimpse 一瞥;一看