
AI for all

AI holds tantalising promise for the emerging world

It could help boost human capital, and ultimately growth

NEW TECHNOLOGY brings with it both the sweet hope of greater prosperity and the cruel fear of missing out. Satya Nadella, the boss of Microsoft, says he is haunted by the fact that the Industrial Revolution left behind India, his country of birth. (Indian manufacturers hardly enjoyed a level playing-field—Britain was then both their rival and their ruler.) Many technologies, such as online-education courses, have generated more hype than economic growth in the emerging world. Some people worry that generative artificial intelligence (AI), too, will disappoint the global south. The big winners so far seem to be a bunch of Western early adopters, as well as startups in San Francisco and America’s “magnificent seven” tech firms, which include Microsoft and have together added an astonishing $4.6trn to their market value since ChatGPT’s launch in November 2022.
新技术让人们心怀美好希望,期待更加繁荣,同时也让人心生恐惧,担心错失良机。出生于印度的微软首席执行官萨蒂亚·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)表示,印度没有赶上工业革命,这让他耿耿于怀。(当时印度制造商无法参与公平竞争,英国既是竞争对手也是它们的统治者。)在线教育等许多技术在新兴世界中引发的炒作大于实际推动的经济增长。一些人担心生成式人工智能也会让全球南方失望。迄今为止,最大的赢家似乎是一群西方的早期采用者,还有旧金山的创业公司和包括微软在内的美国科技“七雄”——在ChatGPT于2022年11月问世后,这七家公司的市值总计增加了惊人的4.6万亿美元。

  • hype 电视、广播、互联网等媒体中言过其实的“促销广告、促销讨论”或者说“大肆的宣传、炒作”(参见:小词详解 | hype

Yet AI stands to transform lives in the emerging world, too. As it spreads, the technology could raise productivity and shrink gaps in human capital faster than many before it. People in developing countries need not be passive recipients of AI, but can shape it to suit their own needs. Most exciting of all, it could help income levels catch up with those in the rich world.