
Private assets, public interest

The risks to global finance from private equity’s insurance binge

  • binge 拓展指“无节制的狂热行动”以及作动词常用搭配 binge on sth 表示“狂吃狂喝、尽情享用”某物(参见:小词详解 | binge

Funding pensions with private assets holds promise—but needs scrutiny

  • scrutiny 指“仔细检查、认真彻底的审查”,作为正式用语使用,强调密切观察和关注细节(参见:小词详解 | scrutiny

A DECADE OR so ago private equity was a niche corner of finance; today it is a vast enterprise in its own right. Having grabbed business and prestige from banks, private-equity firms manage $12trn of assets globally, are worth more than $500bn on America’s stockmarket and have their pick of Wall Street’s top talent. Whereas America’s listed banks are worth little more than they were before the pandemic, its listed private-equity firms are worth about twice as much. The biggest, Blackstone, is more valuable than either Goldman Sachs or Morgan Stanley—and has the confidence of a winner. “It’s the alternatives era,” proclaimed the company’s ebullient Taylor Swift-themed festive video in December. “We buy assets then we make ’em better.”

  • niche (产品的)商机;市场定位
  • prestige 威信、声望、威望(参见:词源趣谈 | prestige
  • ebullient 喻指思想、感情等“奔放的、热情洋溢的、兴高采烈的”,常作正式用语使用,即如沸腾翻泡的开水那般充满自信、活力、兴致、热情以及愉快的心情(参见:小词详解 | ebullient

This is not, though, the business that has recently boomed for them. Traditional private equity—using lots of debt to buy companies, improving them, and selling or listing them—has been lifeless. High interest rates have cast doubt on the value of privately held companies and reduced investors’ willingness to provide new funds. It does not seem to matter. Core private-equity activity is now just one part of the industry’s terrain, which includes infrastructure, property and loans made directly to companies, all under the broad label of “private assets”. Here the empire-building continues. Most recently, the industry is swallowing up life insurers.