
Live music

Does Las Vegas’s Sphere reveal the future of concerts?

The venue is dazzling. But copycats are unlikely to be built soon

  • dazzling 耀眼的;(光)炫目的;灿烂的;辉煌的;动人的
  • copycat (尤为儿童用语,指无主见的)模仿者;抄袭者;好跟人学的人;模仿犯罪的

NESTLED BETWEEN hotels and conference centres, a short walk from the Las Vegas strip, is a giant, wide-eyed emoji. Sometimes it is an enormous, hyperrealistic eyeball, a basketball or a whorl of flames. The Sphere, a remarkable new concert venue, is 366 feet (110 metres) tall and 516 wide; an LED screen spanning almost 600,000 square feet covers the exterior.

  • whorl 螺旋状图案,螺纹;轮,轮生体(环生于植物茎部的叶、花等)

Inside, enveloping the 17,500 seats, is another vast, ultra-high-resolution screen. This pleasuredome offers an experience unlike any other. It also raises questions about the future of live entertainment.