
The other Saudi gold

Saudi Arabia wants to be the Saudi Arabia of minerals

The kingdom plans to be digging up plenty more than oil

IN WA’AD AL-SHAMAL, 1,200km north of Riyadh, the Saudi capital, phosphate is extracted and bathed in chemicals to turn it into an acid. From there it is shipped 1,500km east by rail to the port of Ras Al-Khair. The stuff is then made into fertiliser or its precursor, ammonia, and sails west to Brazil, south to Africa and east to India and Bangladesh, where it ends up with farmers who, according to Ma’aden, the state mining firm which runs the project, grow 10% of the world’s food. The venture is vast. Its sales and domestic investment are equivalent to about 2% of the kingdom’s non-oil GDP. Another similar one will soon start shipping the equivalent of another 1%.
在沙特首都利雅得以北1200公里处的瓦阿德·沙马尔(Wa’ad Al Shamal),人们将磷酸盐提取出来,浸泡在化学品中,使它变成一种酸。再沿铁路向东行驶1500公里,运送到达拉斯海尔港(Ras Al-Khair)。然后再把这种酸制成肥料或其前体——氨,接着扬帆向西驶向巴西,向南驶向非洲,向东驶向印度和孟加拉国,最后到达农民手中。据负责该项目的国有矿业公司沙特阿拉伯矿业公司(Ma’aden)称,这些农民种植了世界上10%的食物。这个项目规模庞大。其销售额和国内投资约相当于沙特非石油GDP的2%。另一个类似的项目不久也将开始交付另外的1%。

Phosphate is not the only mineral resource Saudi Arabia is eyeing to fuel its post-oil future. On January 10th the government revised its estimate of the value of its buried mineral wealth from $1.3trn to $2.5trn. This includes deposits of gold, copper and zinc. By the standards of Saudi oil riches, worth perhaps $20trn at today’s prices, that looks modest. By any other measure, it is gargantuan.

  • gargantuan 巨大的、庞大的