
The Gulf between them

Can Sino-Arabian business ties replace Sino-American ones?

The Middle Kingdom gets cosy with the Middle East

  • cosy 温暖舒适的(尤指狭小的室内地方)

WHEN CHINESE and Middle Eastern moneymen meet, it is usually behind closed doors. Last month they mingled openly in the lobby of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, at the “FII Priority” summit, an event organised by the Public Investment Fund (PIF), a $780bn vehicle for Saudi sovereign wealth. It was the first meeting of its kind in east Asia. It will not be the last. The PIF announced it was planning to set up an office in China. Mubadala and the Investment Corporation of Dubai, two Emirati sovereign wealth funds, the Qatar Investment Authority and Kuwait Investment Authority are all said to be preparing to deploy more capital in the world’s second-biggest economy. They think they can to do this without angering the increasingly China-wary West. “We are friendly people, we are friends with everyone,” Jerry Todd, an executive at the PIF, told the conference in Hong Kong.
中国和中东的金融家会面时一般都是闭门会议。上月,在港交所的大会堂里,他们在“未来投资倡议优先事项”峰会(FII Priority summit)上举行了公开会谈。组织此次活动的公共投资基金(PIF)是手握7800亿美元的沙特主权财富基金。这是东亚地区首次举行此类会议。但不会是最后一次。PIF宣布计划在中国设立办事处。据称,阿联酋两家主权财富基金穆巴达拉(Mubadala)和迪拜投资公司(Investment Corporation of Dubai)、卡塔尔投资局(Qatar Investment Authority)以及科威特投资局(Kuwait Investment Authority)都准备在这个全球第二大经济体部署更多资本。它们认为可以在不激怒日益警惕中国的西方世界的情况下做到这一点。“我们与人为善,我们和所有人都是朋友。”PIF高管杰里·托德(Jerry Todd)在香港的会议上表示。

  • mingle 在社交场合中到处走动与人“交际、应酬”(参见:小词详解 | mingle
  • lobby 公共建筑物进口处的“门厅、大厅、大堂”或“休息室”,可以引出一个或多个房间或走廊,用作通道或等候室(参见:小词详解 | lobby
  • priority 指“优先、重点”或“优先权、先取权”,即一种被认为或视为比其他的人或事物更为重要的事实或状态,包括在英式英语中指车辆的“优先通行权”(参见:小词详解 | priority
  • vehicle (赖以表达思想、感情或达到目的的)手段,工具
  • 拓展学习:熟词僻义 | capital 是一种怎样的刑罚?
  • wary 表示“小心的、谨慎的、留神的、提防的、小心翼翼的”,主要指对待某人或某事物时警惕且谨慎,因为对其了解不多而怀疑其很危险或者会引发问题、困难等,以便能够机智地躲避开来(参见:小词详解 | wary

China’s investment firms and the companies they back need friends right now. As Sino-American geopolitics sour, American investments in China have collapsed. Chinese tech firms got $1.2bn from American venture capitalists in 2022, down from $14bn in 2018. Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) by American firms in China fell below $9bn in 2023, down from $20bn five years earlier. Meanwhile M&A deals by Gulf entities have ballooned—from next to nothing in 2019 to nearly $9bn in 2023, according to data from LSEG, a financial-information firm (see chart).

  • sour (牛奶等)变味,酸腐;(指关系、态度、人等)(使)变坏,恶化
  • balloon (突然)膨胀,涨大;乘热气球飞行