
Future of chipmaking

Jensen Huang says Moore’s law is dead. Not quite yet

3D components and exotic new materials can keep it going for a while longer

Two years shy of its 60th birthday, Moore’s law has become a bit like Schrödinger’s hypothetical cat—at once dead and alive. In 1965 Gordon Moore, one of the co-founders of Intel, observed that the number of transistors—a type of electronic component—that could be crammed onto a microchip was doubling every 12 months, a figure he later revised to every two years.

  • shy (of sth) 【美式英语】欠缺、不足、未达到、不够
  • transistor 晶体管;晶体管收音机
  • cram 主要指“塞进、塞满”或“挤满、拥进”,多指将一个地方或容器完全填满到看似要溢出的程度,即超出其可以轻松、舒适或安全承受的范围,包括将人或物强行塞进一个小而无法容纳他们的地方或容器,以及一群人走进一个小而无法容纳他们的地方或空间(参见:小词详解 | cram

That observation became an aspiration that set the pace for the entire computing industry. Chips produced in 1971 could fit 200 transistors into one square millimetre. Today’s most advanced chips cram 130m into the same space, and each operates tens of thousands of times more quickly to boot. If cars had improved at the same rate, modern ones would have top speeds in the tens of millions of miles per hour.

  • aspiration 渴望、抱负、志向(参见:小词详解 | aspire
  • boot 装入操作系统;启动(计算机);(计算机)启动,操作系统已安装

Moore knew full well that the process could not go on for ever. Each doubling is more difficult, and more expensive, than the last. In September 2022 Jensen Huang, the boss of Nvidia, a chipmaker, became the latest observer to call time, declaring that Moore’s law was “dead”. But not everyone agrees. Days later, Intel’s chief Pat Gelsinger reported that Moore’s maxim was, in fact, “alive and well”.
摩尔很清楚这一进程不可能永远持续下去。每一次翻番都比上一次更困难、成本也更高。2022年9月,芯片制造商英伟达的老板黄仁勋成为最新一个唱衰摩尔定律的人,他宣称摩尔定律“已死”。但并非所有人都赞同他的观点。几天后,英特尔的CEO帕特·基辛格(Pat Gelsinger)表示,摩尔定律其实还“活得好好的”。

  • alive and well 健在的、安然无恙的
