attract :普通用词,指客观上吸引人的注意力。
- What first attracted me to her was her sense of humour.
charm :侧重迷住某人或使之高兴。
- He was charmed by her beauty and wit.
enchant :着重指有能力引起被迷住者的欢乐或赞美。
- 与她久别重逢,他欣喜不已。
He was enchanted to see her again after so long. - 五大洲的读者都迷上了这本畅销书。
The bestselling book enchants the readers of five continents.
(拓展学习:小词详解 | enchant)
fascinate :通常含使人无法拒绝、无法摆脱的意味。
- 那个大美女弄得他神魂颠倒而最终娶了她。
The knockout fascinated him into marrying her. - 一切有关飞机和飞行的东西都令他着迷。
Anything to do with planes and flying fascinates him.
(拓展学习:小词详解 | fascinate)
tempt :指吸引力很强,强调欲望被唤醒。
- I was tempted by the dessert menu.
甜食菜单馋得我垂涎欲滴。 - Don't tempt thieves by leaving valuables clearly visible.