
The elephant in a boom

America is courting India in part for its growing economic clout

But a young population may not be enough to sustain rapid growth

Few visitors can expect the sort of welcome Narendra Modi, India’s prime minister, will receive in Washington later this month. Joe Biden, America’s president, is throwing a formal banquet for him at the White House. The leaders of the two chambers of Congress, not to be outdone, have invited him to address a joint session for the second time—an honour previously accorded only to the likes of Winston Churchill. The visit will, in the words of a gushing White House press release, “affirm the deep and close partnership between the United States and India”.

In fact, the partnership between India and America has never been that deep or close. But America’s leaders, both Republican and Democratic, would like it to be. They see India as an indispensable accomplice in their rivalry with China. After all, India recently became the world’s most populous country. Its foreign policy has become more assertive and more hostile to China of late, even if it remains opposed to the idea of an American-led order. Its diaspora is the world’s biggest, and remarkably influential. But India’s allure also rests on the sense that its economy may at last be starting to fulfil its potential. It is already the world’s fifth-biggest. Mr Modi has promised growth of a sort that would turn it into a pillar of the world economy, on a par with America, China or the European Union. Despite the many failings of his government’s economic management, it is not an implausible target.

  • indispensable 指“不可或缺的、必不可少的”,比小站前不久推送的 requisite 语气更强更紧迫,常用搭配 indispensable to sb/sth 或 indispensable for (doing) sth 明确表明若缺少所限定的事物,就无法完成想要达到的目的,也就是强调绝对必要性(参见:本周《经济学人》封面用 indispensable 形容美印关系
  • accomplice 表示“共犯、帮凶、同谋”,主要指与他人一起参与不法或不道德行为的人,无论是作为主犯、教唆犯还是从犯(参见:小词详解 | accomplice
  • diaspora (犹太人的)大流散;(任何民族的)大移居
  • implausible 似乎不合情理的、不像真实的(参见:小词详解 | plausible

India’s economy will boom, Mr Modi’s lieutenants argue, because of its young workforce, muscular industrial policy and the opportunities presented by Western firms’ sudden wariness of China. Many high-flying businessmen are persuaded. Tim Cook, Apple’s boss, who has just opened its first store in India, declared to investors last month, “The dynamism in the market, the vibrancy, are unbelievable…India is at a tipping point.” Days later Foxconn, a Taiwanese electronics firm, broke ground on a $500m factory. India’s GDP grew by 6.1% in the first quarter, year-on-year. Investment as a share of GDP is at its highest for over a decade.

  • lieutenant 助理;(尤指)副职(参见:小词详解 | lieutenant
  • wariness 小心、谨慎、留神、提防、小心翼翼(拓展学习:小词详解 | wary
  • tipping point (个案积累终成大趋势的)引爆点、爆发点