

  • 中国特色社会主义文化发展道路
    cultural development under socialism with Chinese characteristics
  • 意识形态工作领导权
    the CPC’s leadership over ideological work
  • 牢牢掌握意识形态工作领导权
    holding firmly the leading position in ideological work
  • 社会主义核心价值体系
    the system of core socialist values
  • 坚持社会主义核心价值体系
    upholding the core socialist values
  • 社会主义核心价值观
    core values of socialism
  • 培育和践行社会主义核心价值观
    fostering core values of socialism
  • 中华民族共同体意识
    the sense of community for the Chinese nation
  • 推动中华优秀传统文化创造性转化、创新性发展
    promoting innovative transformation and development of traditional Chinese culture
  • 中国精神
    the Chinese Spirit
  • 中国价值
    the Chinese Value
  • 中国力量
    the Chinese Power
  • 红色资源
    the Red Resources (sites and heritage related to the revolutionary traditions of the CPC)
  • 讲好中国故事
    Tell China’s stories
  • 红船精神
    the spirit of the Red Boat
  • 井冈山精神
    the spirit of Jinggang Mountains
  • 古田会议精神
    the spirit of the Gutian Meeting
  • 苏区精神
    the spirit of Former Central Soviet Areas
  • 长征精神
    the spirit of the Long March
  • 遵义会议精神
    the spirit of the Zunyi Meeting
  • 抗战精神
    the spirit of the Anti-Japanese War
  • 太行精神
    the spirit of the Taihang Revolutionary Base Area
  • 延安精神
    the spirit of Yan’an
  • 抗大精神
    the spirit of the Military and Political University of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
  • 白求恩精神
    the spirit of Norman Bethune
  • 南泥湾精神
    the spirit of Nanniwan
  • 整风精神
    the spirit of the Yan’an Rectification Movement
  • 西柏坡精神
    the spirit of Xibaipo
  • 沂蒙精神
    the spirit of the Yimeng Old Revolutionary Base Area
  • 红岩精神
    the spirit of Revolutionary Martyrs in Red Crag
  • 张思德精神
    the spirit of Zhang Side
  • 吕梁精神
    the spirit of Lvliang
  • “两路”精神
    the spirit of the “Two Roads” (the Sichuan-Tibet and Qinghai-Tibet Highway)
  • 红旗渠精神
    the spirit of the Hongqi Canal
  • “两弹一星”精神
    the spirit of “Two Bombs, One Satellite” (Two Bombs refers to the atomic bomb and the intercontinental ballistic missile, while One Satellite refers to the artificial satellite)
  • 雷锋精神
    the spirit of Lei Feng
  • 大庆精神
    the spirit of Daqing
  • 铁人精神
    the spirit of “Iron Man”
  • 焦裕禄精神
    the spirit of Jiao Yulu
  • 女排精神
    the spirit of the Chinese National Women’s Volleyball Team
  • 九八抗洪精神
    the spirit of Combating the Floods in 1998
  • 抗击非典精神
    the spirit of Combating SARS
  • 载人航天精神
    the spirit of China’s Manned Space Program
  • 青藏铁路精神
    the spirit of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway
  • 抗震救灾精神
    the spirit of Earthquake Relief
  • 北京奥运精神
    the spirit of the Beijing Olympics
  • 塞罕坝精神
    the spirit of Saihanba
  • 莫高精神
    the spirit of the Mogao Grottoes
  • 爱国主义精神
    the spirit of patriotism
  • 劳模精神
    the spirit of model workers
  • 钉钉子精神
    the spirit of perseverance
  • 企业家精神
    the spirit of entrepreneurship
  • 改革创新精神
    the spirit of reform and innovation
  • 小岗精神
    the spirit of Xiaogang
  • 工匠精神
    the spirit of craftsmanship
  • 特区精神
    the spirit of Special Economic Zones
  • 右玉精神
    the spirit of Youyu
  • 丝路精神
    the Silk Road spirit
  • 上海精神
    the Shanghai spirit
  • 治大国若烹小鲜。
    Governing a big country is like cooking small fish. (Those who govern the country must be meticulous and thoughtful and take all factors into consideration, so that their policies and measures benefit everyone.)
  • 大道至简。
    Great truths are always simple.
  • “两岸一家亲”。
    People on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are of the same family.
  • “我将无我,不负人民。”
    I will work selflessly and live up to the expectations of the people.
    I will fully commit to my people and never fail the people.
    I am ready to set aside my own interests in service of the people.
    I will never seek my own good and never fail the people.
  • 文化惠民工程
    cultural programs in the public interest
  • 新媒体
    new media
  • 融媒体
    integrated media
  • 多媒体
  • 全媒体