英语笑话 | 从来没见过这样的卡车车祸

“Here’s the scenario,” the instructor announced to his class of novice truck drivers. “You’re in an 18-wheeler with a heavy load, barreling down a mountainous two-lane highway.
“设想有这样一种情况,”指导老师对班里的卡车司机新手大声说道,“你开着一辆18 轮载重卡车,沿着双行道山区公路行驶。

Ed, your co-driver, is asleep. There are six trucks behind you, and as you come over the top of a hill, they pull out beside you to pass. Suddenly, you see several trucks coming in the opposite direction, pulling into your lane to pass. What do you do?”

“That’s simple,” a student called out. “I’ll wake Ed up.”

“Why would you do that?” asked the instructor.

“Because,” replied the student, “Ed has never seen a truck wreck like this before!”