英语笑话 | 船员与超级模特

A shipwrecked sailor is stranded alone on an island. Amazingly, a world-famous supermodel becomes shipwrecked on the same island. The two grow to be friends and, eventually, lovers.

One day a trunk full of men’s clothing washes ashore. The sailor asks the model if she would put on the pants. Hesitantly she agrees. Then the sailor asks her to put on the men’s shirt and tie. She does.

Next he asks if she’ll put up her hair and wear the men’s hat. She says,“ Sure.”

Finally the shipwrecked sailor requests that she draw a fake mustache on her face, and asks if he can call her Bob. The model thinks this is strange, but says,“ Well, okay, you can call me Bob,” and draws on the mustache.

The sailor says,“ Hey, Bob, you won’t believe who I’ve been sleeping with!”