same : 可指相同的人或物,也可指在质量、外表或意义等方面相同,但实际上有差别的事物。
- 当你对朋友们重复一个粗俗的笑话时,他们会开怀大笑;但当你跟父母讲同样的笑话时,迎接你的是皱起的眉头。
When you repeat a crude joke to your friends, they laugh heartily; but when you tell the same joke to your parents, you are met with frowns.
identical : 着重指人或物等在每细节上都完全相同。
- 世界上没有两片完全相同的树叶,也没有完全相同的历史文化和社会制度。
No two leaves in the world are identical, and no histories, cultures or social systems are the same.
very : 侧重指完全同一,没有区别。
- Mario said the very same thing.
equal : 多指在价值等方面相当而不相同的事物。
- 我的一个老朋友立下遗嘱把财产平分给他的儿女们。
One of my old friends made his will to provide for equal lots for all his children.
equivalent : 主要指有同样价值、效力或意义的两种不同的事物。
- Eight kilometres is roughly equivalent to five miles.