
When Paul Walker, an actor in “The Fast and the Furious”, a series of action movies, died in 2013 while filming the seventh instalment, Universal Pictures had to spend considerable effort (and dollars) to make his on-screen persona live on. This included hiring body-doubles and digitally inserting Mr Walker into the movie with hundreds of computer-generated images.
——《经济学人》 - In contrast with the mercurial Campbell, Chretien projected a calming image to voters, buttressed by his plain-folks persona.
[noun] the aspect of someone's character that is presented to or perceived by others
[名词] 某人性格中呈现给他人或被他人感知的方面
Persona 一词比较好记,就是在熟词 person 后面多加一个字母 a 。这两个单词都源于拉丁语 persona (人),其中 persona 最早有记录于1732年出现在英语中,用来表示作家创作或演员饰演的“人物、角色”,现在也可以指游戏中的人物角色。并常用复数 personae 表示文学作品中的“人物表”,比如喜剧人物表(comic personae)。
到了1909年后, persona 开始被美国诗人、文学评论家、意象派诗歌代表人物埃兹拉·庞德(Ezra Pound)用来表示文学作品中的“第一人称”,也就是以“我”自称的表达方式。
再到了1917年后, persona 又被进一步用作荣格心理学术语表示“人格面貌、人格面具、表象人格”,并发展出现在的主要含义指“表面形象”或者说“伪装、假象”,常作正式用语使用,主要指演员、政治家等在公共场合表现出来的或被他人所感知的个性,往往与其真实的或私下的本性不一,有时甚至相反,比如:
- 这位强硬的民族主义者的性格中有害羞内向的一面,这与他的公众形象完全不符。
The strident nationalist had a shy, retiring side to his personality that was completely at odds with his public persona.
值得注意的是,这个含义下的复数常用 personas ,不同于前面提到的复数 personae 。
Alone with just me, she put aside the persona she displayed for others. She was her old self again, fragile, breathy.
出自美国作者塔拉·韦斯特弗(Tara Westover)所著畅销自传《你当像鸟飞往你的山》(Educated)。该书登顶《纽约时报》畅销榜80余周,是比尔·盖茨2018年度书单中的第一本。
- image: the general impression that a person, organization, or product presents to the public
- facade: an outward appearance that is maintained to conceal a less pleasant or creditable reality
- exterior: a person's behavior and appearance, often contrasted with their true character