

solve : 普通用词,含义广,指为有一定难度的问题找到满意的解法或答复。

  • Google’s machine is a special-purpose device that was designed to solvecontrived problem with few practical uses.

resolve : 主要指对问题或情况进行细微的分析或思索,以得出结论或解决途径。

  • 双方会晤以努力解决分歧。
    Both sides met in order to try to resolve their differences.
  • 只要有愚公移山的志气、滴水穿石的毅力,脚踏实地,埋头苦干,积跬步以至千里,就一定能够把宏伟目标变为美好现实。
    As long as we have the resolve to move mountains and the perseverance to plod on, as long as we keep our feet on the ground and forge ahead with our journey by making steady progress, we will turn our grand goals into reality.