wear、dress与put on这些动词或词组均含“穿衣、穿”之意。
wear : 最常用词,指穿衣、鞋袜或戴手套等,侧重穿戴的状态。
- Tracey is wearing a simple black dress.
特蕾西身着一袭素净的黑色长裙。 - What are you wearing to Caroline's wedding?
dress : 普通用词,指给自己或他人穿衣。既表动作又可表状态。
- My husband dresses the boys while I make breakfast.
我做早饭时丈夫给儿子们穿衣服。 - He left very early and had to dress in the dark.
put on : 普通用语,指把衣服、鞋袜、帽子、手套等戴上去,侧重穿戴的动作。
- She put on her coat and went out.
值得注意的是, put on 连在一起构成的 put-on 指的是“假象、骗局”或“欺骗、愚弄、假装”。