- One is that an in-wheel motor’s components and wiring are exposed to the elements rather than being snug inside a vehicle’s body.
——《经济学人》 - In the 1920s flappers opted for snug bras for a boyish silhouette.
[adjective] comfortable, warm, and cosy; well protected from the weather or cold
[形容词] 舒服的、暖和的、舒适的;能够很好地抵御恶劣天气或寒冷的
Snug 是一个与 smug (沾沾自喜的、自鸣得意的)十分形似的单词,可能源自古北欧语 snoggr (短毛的)、古丹麦语 snøg (整洁、整齐)等,16世纪末进入英语后用来形容船“小而舒适的、整洁的”,尤指“装备完善的、适航的”,不受恶劣天气影响,比如:
- 一艘横越大海的装备还算完善的船
a tolerably snug ship shearing the sea - 他在那间舒适小店的身影永远留在我的记忆中。
My abiding memory is of him in the snug little shop.
相比于其他普通船只,待在这种装备完善不受恶劣天气影响的船上显然会舒服很多,等到了17世纪初, snug 就发展出了现今主要含义“(人)温暖舒适的、安适的”或“(地方)暖烘烘的”,尤指在寒冷天气中,比如:
- 我们蜷缩在床上,温暖又舒适,享受着暴风雨前的宁静。
We curled up in bed, all snug and warm, and enjoyed the lull before the storm. - 那个低声下气的女孩找到了一个轻松舒服的工作。
The abject girl found a snug berth.
人蜷缩在床上温暖又舒适,虫子躲在毯子里亦是如此,所以英语中常用 as snug as a bug in a rug 来玩笑表达“非常舒适的、极其安逸的”,比如:
- 这个漂亮的台球室会使你感到非常舒适。
This nice poolroom makes you feel as snug as a bug in a rug.
昨天大雪,现在不少地方已是寒冬凌冽,出门在外要想暖和必先把贴身衣物裹着严严实实的。与之相似的是,到了1838年, snug 就开始用来引申指衣服等“紧身的、贴身的、严密的、严实的”,比如:
- 腰间的松紧带使衣服正好紧紧贴在身上。
The elastic at the waist gives a nice snug fit. - 这双鞋有点儿太紧——你们有没有大一号的?我怕会磨坏鞋子,然后脚趾从鞋上的破洞里露出来。
These shoes are a bit too snug - do you have them in a larger size? I'm afraid that I will chafe them and then my toes will peek through the hole on them.
当用作动词时, snug 自然表示“使变得温暖舒适”或“使紧身、收紧”,以及“使船只、飞机等做好抗风暴准备(常用 snug down 表达)”,比如:
- 孩子们穿着大衣,戴上围巾和手套,都给裹得暖暖的。但到了最后他们却弄得浑身尽是污泥。
Children were snugged up in overcoats, mufflers, and mittens. But in the end, they were mired from head to toe. - 那条船已采取抗风暴措施,准备过夜。在那之前,船长让船开足马力全速行驶。
The ship was already snugged down for the night. Before that, the captain of the ship had his engines at full throttle.
另外值得注意的是, snug 在英式英语中还可以作名词表示“温暖舒适的地方”或酒吧或酒馆里的“包间、雅座”,同 snuggery 。
And snug in their spooncase of purple plush, faded, the twelve apostles having preached to all the gentiles: world without end.
出自爱尔兰现代主义作家詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce)于1922年出版的长篇小说《尤利西斯》(Ulysses)。参见:名著下载 | 尤利西斯(Ulysses)
- slinky: (of a garment) fitting closely to the lines of the body
- congenial: (of a thing) pleasant or agreeable because suited to one's taste or inclination
- cosy: giving a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation