英语习语 | make sb's acquaintance / make the acquaintance of sb

make sb's acquaintance
make the acquaintance of sb

在英语中,我们可以用习语 make sb's acquaintance 或 make the acquaintance of sb 表示“与某人初次相见、结识某人”,这是一个较正式的说法,指自己第一次见到某人,并对他有一点了解,比如:

  • 非常荣幸最终还是见到了您。
    An honor to have finally made your acquaintance.
  • 刚打完仗之后一个偶然机会让我认识了他。
    I made the pleasure of his acquaintance just after the war.
  • 他们两人是我同思特里克兰德在巴黎最后会面的那年冬末认识的。
    They made one another's acquaintance during the latter part of the winter following my last meeting with Strickland in Paris.
