
- Emission-free synthetic fuels rely on lots of hydrogen and carbon monoxide to produce surrogate hydrocarbons, so their development hinges on low-cost supplies of those two gases.
——《经济学人》 - Seventy-nine embryos survived in the lab, apparently healthy enough to transfer into the uteruses of surrogate monkey mothers.
[noun] a substitute, especially a person deputizing for another in a specific role or office
[名词] 替代物,尤指在某一特定角色或职位上替代另一人的人
Surrogate 是本周比较热门的一个单词,源自拉丁语 surrogare/subrogare (替代),其基本含义是作名词表示“替代物、代用品”,比如:
- 他们被劝服,认识到了和平的好处。但他们认为武器控制不应该用来替代和平。
They have been persuaded of the merits of peace. But they believed that arms control should not be made into a surrogate for peace. - 对某些酷爱读书的人来说,读游记可以替代真正的旅行。
For some avid readers, reading travel books is a surrogate for actual travel.
不过, surrogate 通常更多的是用来指在某一特定角色或职位上替代另一人的“替代者、代理人”,不仅在社会意义上,也包括在心理意义上,比如:
- 在某种意义上,他把他精明的叔父看成是自己父亲的替身。
He saw in his shrewd uncle, in some sense, a surrogate of his father. - 总统代理人被暗杀使国家骤然陷入战争状态。
The assassination of the surrogate of the President precipitated the country into war.
用作形容词时, surrogate 自然表示“替代的、代用的、代理的”,比如:
- 在她心目中,那个机敏而又多才多艺的才子仿佛是能替代父亲角色的人。
She saw the nimble and versatile wit as a sort of surrogate father. - 因为她自己没有孩子,所以她就把朋友身高体壮的儿子当成了自己的孩子。
Because she had no children of her own, her friend's hefty son became a kind of surrogate child to her.
等到了1972年, surrogate 则开始用在动物领域表示“代孕动物”,并于1978年开始用在人身上表示“代孕母亲”,同 surrogate mother ,也可以作形容词表示“代孕的”,比如:
- 她已经同意为她富有的姐姐代孕了。
She has agreed to act as a surrogate mother for her affluent sister.
而其衍生词 surrogacy 则相应表示“代孕”这个行为或状态,比如:
- 她对卷入这种代孕丑闻有顾忌。
She demurred from being involved in such surrogacy scandals.
I suspected the dementor attack might have awoken her to the dangers of having you as a surrogate son.
出自英国作家J·K·罗琳的奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第五本《哈利·波特与凤凰社》(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)。《哈利·波特与凤凰社》讲述在又一个暑假中,哈利·波特被困在女贞路4号,遭到摄魂怪的突然袭击之后发生的事情。
- substitute: a person or thing acting or serving in place of another
- proxy: the authority to represent someone else, especially in voting
- deputy: a person whose immediate superior is a senior figure within an organization and who is empowered to act as a substitute for this superior